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Plowden Scholarships

The Anna Plowden Trust offers grants towards the fees for attending a full-time conservation training course in the UK. Applications are considered from those who wish to embark on a career in conservation or from existing conservators who need to broaden the base of their formal training by attending a course for at least one year.  

  • Courses that prepare students for a career in conserving the moveable heritage (e.g. paintings, textiles, archaeological objects etc.) as well as heritage affixed to buildings (stained glass, wallpaintings) are eligible.
  • Courses on the conservation of the non-moveable heritage (e.g. buildings) are not eligible.
  • Applications are invited from individuals but please note that if a grant is made the funds will be paid to the institution at which the student is studying.
  • A condition of our grant is that those awarded scholarships provide a report on their progress, together with good quality images, within two months of the end of the academic year.

Scroll down for the application deadline, downloadable application form and further information.

Our funds are heavily over-subscribed so potential applicants may wish to bear in mind that we will normally give preference to applicants who intend to make their careers in the UK.

Scholarship in Memory of Robert Shepherd

The Anna Plowden Trust has been asked to administer a fund set up in memory of the late Robert Shepherd, the well known picture conservator. One element of this fund will provide an annual Scholarship to a paintings conservation student. 

  • Apply on our Scholarship application form that you can download below and send it to us by the deadline indicated below.
  • The scholarship award will be up to £3,500 (which is slightly higher than our usual annual scholarship).
  • The successful candidate might, in addition to the normal reporting requirements of the APT scheme, be asked to give a presentation at a meeting of the British Association of Picture Conservator Restorers.
  • If you wish to be considered for the Robert Shepherd Scholarship,  simply note this somewhere on your application form. Applying for the Robert Shepherd Scholarship  will not adversely affect your chance of securing one of the much more numerous Plowden Scholarships.
  • Note that you will get either a Shepherd OR Plowden Scholarship and not both. All eligible applicants will automatically be considered.

The deadline for the 2024/25 academic year has now passed

The deadline for 2025/26 academic year will be 2nd June 2025.

Applications must be submitted on our application form, which can be downloaded below.  Please note that we have added guidance for your referees so please ensure that you pass this to those who are writing references to support your application.